40th Annual Day (2023-24) of our school was held on 27 th November 2023 at 4.30 pm. The Annual Day function was inaugurated by Chief Guest Shri. N P Giri , Former GSLV Project Director- ISRO, Government of India. The Secretary of MTCES, Shri. Mathew George, the School Chaplain and Boarding Superintendent, Rev. Mathew K John, PTA President, Mr. Shibu Scaria, Principals and heads of other sister institutions of MTCES graced the occasion by their presence. The Chief Guest along with our Secretary and School Chaplain gave away prizes for the school toppers of 2022-2023 and other prize winning students. The Annual Report of the academic year 2023-24 was presented by Principal Dr.(Mrs) Lizu Verghis. Our Principal, presented a momento to the Chief Guest designed by Smt. Priya A P, Art Teacher. Students of STHSS made us proud by performing dance, skits, drama and other variety entertainment programs. The conveners of the school day program Smt. Manjula Devi and Smt. Anila Mathew along with all Staff worked hard to make the function a great success.

STHSS 2023-Variety Entertainment Program